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Haute Marne

Haute Marne (11 books)

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Name: Hilary Bailey
Title: A Stranger to Herself
Topics: Adventure Stories & Action, Anthologies, Biographical Fiction, Classics, Contemporary Fiction, Crime, Thrillers & Mystery, Erotica, Family Sagas, Fantasy, Fiction, Film & Television Tie-In, Gay & Lesbian, Historical, Horror, Humour, Lad Lit, Literary Fiction, Medical, Metaphysical & Visionary, Myths & Fairy Tales, Poetry & Drama, Political, Psychological, Religious & Inspirational, Romance, Science Fiction, Short Stories, Sport, War, Westerns, Women Writers & Fiction
Available: 1 copy from: sylvia (France)


Name: Dave Eggers
Title: The Circle
Available: 1 copy from: sylvia (France)
This book is on several wishlists: Trapped in Amber (USA: CA), Codex (Italia).


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Name: Paul Grieve
Title: Upon a Wheel of Fire
Topics: Antiquarian, Rare & Collectable, Art, Architecture & Photography, Biography, Business, Finance & Law, Calendars, Diaries & Annuals, Children's Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Computing & Internet, Crime, Thrillers & Mystery, Education Studies & Teaching, Fiction, Food & Drink, Gay & Lesbian, Health, Family & Lifestyle, History, Home & Garden, Horror, Humour, Languages, Mind, Body & Spirit, Music, Stage & Screen, Poetry, Drama & Criticism, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Romance, School Books, Science & Nature, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Scientific, Technical & Medical, Society, Politics & Philosophy, Sports, Hobbies & Games, Travel & Holiday, Young Adult
Available: 1 copy from: sylvia (France)


Name: John Grisham
Title: The Last Juror
Available: 3 copies (from: antoinette (Ireland), Smudgeroony (United Kingdom), sylvia (France))


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Name: John Grisham
Title: The Partner
Topics: Legal, Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, Thrillers & Suspense
Available: 3 copies (from: Karussi (Germany), S&L (USA: FL), sylvia (France))
Description: Product Description For four years, Patrick had often wondered how it would feel if they caught him. Now he was terror-stricken. Practically naked and strapped down like an animal, he knew the next few hours ... (more)


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Name: Donna Hay
Title: Such a Perfect Sister
Topics: Contemporary Fiction, Fiction, Romance
Available: 2 copies (from: Bibliophilistine (Finland), sylvia (France))
Description: Product Description Such a Perfect Sister Will Phoebe always live in the shadow of her more glamorous elder sister? A wonderfully engaging story of love and sibling rivalry from the award-winning author of SO... (more)


Name: Marian Keyes
Title: Sushi for Beginners
Available: 1 copy from: sylvia (France)


Name: Jean S. MacLEOD
Title: SUCH LOVE IS MINE The People's Friend Story Library No. 224
Topics: mills & boon, romance
Available: 1 copy from: sylvia (France)
Description: Love claims so much from all women - and every woman meets its demands in her own way. This is Katherine's story, set in the late Forties. (First published by Mills & Boons)... (more)


Name: Tony Parsons
Title: Man and Boy
Available: 5 copies (from: chiajiun (Malaysia), esquivalient (United Kingdom), LouiseF (United Kingdom), Anna (New Zealand), sylvia (France))
This book is on several wishlists: jeanctsun (Taiwan).


book detail

Name: June Whitfield
Title: And June Whitfield
Topics: Actors & Actresses, Ballet, Biographies, Biography, Direction & Production, Directors, Encyclopaedias, Film, Film, Television & Music, Guides & Reviews, History & Criticism, Magicians, Music, Stage & Screen, Opera, Screenwriting, TV & Film Scripts, TV Genres, Television, Theatre, Theatre & Performance Art
Available: 1 copy from: sylvia (France)
Description: Amazon Review Lacking the self-confidence to take herself seriously as an actress, June Whitfield developed "a kind of aversion to heavy, serious roles" so concentrated on comedy instead. Whitfield figured th... (more)



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