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really long shot...

but this has been bugging me for a while and i've tried googling it and came up short. the book i'm looking for is a collection of photographs with accompanying short biographies. it's essentially about diversity in young people- it featured teens/young twenties of different races, abilities and backgrounds. black and white photographs. it was kept in the young adult section of my library, so i'm thinking it was a YA book but i'm not positive. i also specifically remember it featured Schuyler Fisk (actress and daughter of Sissy Spacek), before she got famous so i think it was published in the early 2000's. does it sound familiar to anyone? i'm beginning to think i imagined it.

10 years ago


Mary Motley Kalergis : Seen and Heard: Teenagers Talk About Their Lives
10 years ago
i just saw this, for some reason i didn't receive an email about a reply. thank you SO MUCH! this has been bugging me forever- you are an angel!
10 years ago